Who are the people that get so angry online? Why do so many of them choose to harass people, threaten people, and stretch the freedom of speech to its limits?
More than a third of us participate in online debates, according to research done by Pew Research Centre. During the past three years, documentarist Kyrre Lien has met some of the most active online commenters across the world. From the fjords in Norway, to the U.S. desert, a boat in Denmark and an apartment in Lebanon.
He has met the men who generally are a bit older and turn the comments section into a masculine arena, and the women, who more often choose Facebook – a much younger arena.
Research also shows that the ones who are very active in debates online are somewhat more critical to immigration and trust the government less than others.
Meet The Internet Warriors – in their own cave.
Robert Jackson wants to kick Muslims out of the U.K. He believes they are destroying the great things about his country.
“The politicians don’t dare to be as honest as I am. They only think about their own gains. They think about the money.
I usually spend a few hours every day commenting on immigration and things I’m interested in. Like this story about Tony Blair a while back, when I wrote «hang him». I stand by that. I would gladly pull the rope around his neck myself. He’s a traitor to this country, and a traitor to his people.
I think an uprising could start here in the U.K. because people have had enough of our government. It will be the people against the leaders.”
Fuck Islam and dont you ever stand up for that evil cunt religion
When Imaad was recruited to be a soldier for the Syrian regime, he knew it was time to flee.
«In 2011, when the fighting escalated in my hometown of Aleppo, my parents persuaded me to leave. I had been asked to join the army, but I could not support Bashar al-Assad and his killings. Many of my friends who stayed have been killed in the war. My father also died a few months ago. There is so much bombing, death and destruction now, may Allah help them.
I’m online 24/7 debating and sharing my opinions on Facebook. I don’t watch TV because I don’t trust them and their propaganda, my news only come from social media.
I think that Assad is the reason behind the war, in addition to Israel and America. My goal with debating is to raise awareness about the situation and hope that the world doesn’t forget about my homeland. But I’m also afraid. Some of my friends have been arrested and disappeared after being critical against the regime in Syria.»
The one who waits for democracy from America, is the same who expect the devil will bring them to heaven!!!
21-year-old Ashleigh Jones has been called a troll. But according to herself, she just has strong opinions.
175.000 online comments by Ms. Jones
40% have experienced online harassment themself
73% have witnessed online harassment
«I would describe my commenting as honest and brutal. I don’t sugarcoat anything, like the time I called Lady Gaga a “TIRED ASS SHOWGIRL CUNT”.
For me, Twitter has almost become an online diary, a place where I can tell people what I think and how I feel.
Like when I tweeted to the American writer Amy Schumer, “I would say Amy Schumer is a cunt but you have to be smart to be a cunt.”
The subjects I’m most interested in debating are entertainment, LGBT and hot guys. I’m often called a lot of bad things when I debate, like ugly and fat. But that doesn’t bother me. I have a lot of sex so I can’t be that ugly.
Some people have also called me a troll, like when I said that ISIS should kill David Cameron. I don’t think I’m a troll. I might have strong opinions, but they are just that – opinions. For me, a troll is someone who is ruining the discussion, and that’s not me.
I’m quite active, and have tweeted some 175.000 times. That’s a lot, and I do most of my tweeting from my bed at home. I love it. It’s an important part of my life.»
Pete Seville has been patriotic his whole life. For him, wearing the U.S. flag is a way of showing respect.
«I just like riding around on my bike flying the American flag, the flag I’m so proud of. I’ve never had a driving license, so my bike is my way of getting around.
The flag represents our country, I think. A lot of people died for that flag and defended it, so it’s my way of showing respect when I dress up in my T-shirt with the American eagle.
I think there are a lot of people who come over here from Mexico or other places that don’t respect our flag, our rules and our country. I don’t feel that’s right at all, so often I write about that on Facebook or send a comment to my local newspaper.
There are some people who criticize that I wear patriotic clothing, but when companies out there are making hats and boots with the American flag on it, and I want to wear them, I think I have the right to do so. I feel a lot of Americans need to be more patriotic than they are now.»
Burrito jalapeno illegals back packing they cum here disrespect are flag traditions anyway pretend they love America bullshit.
Dorthe quit her job in order to fight for the climate, and sometimes people perceive her as a troll, she says.
6759 tweets by Mrs. Guldfeldt
320 mln monthly Twitter users
«The earth will survive, but the humans will not if we continue as we do now, with pollution and using up our resources. I truly worry, not only for my two kids, but all people, all animals, all plants. That is why I decided to quit my job as a mathematician and do climate activism full time. And in order to do that full time, I had to sell my apartment here in Copenhagen and moved to this boat I’m living in now. I think it’s quite nice, but my two sons really hated it in the beginning. They thought I was crazy.
I often feel I make a huge difference when debating online. Sometimes even politicians react when I write to them and we get into these small arguments about the climate. I can be perceived as a troll, especially when I’m debating veganism. It’s because I can get so angry when reading other comments from meateaters, that I write back before thinking about what I’m writing. People can hate me, that’s OK, as long as they listen to what I have to say — then maybe some of my opinions seep in and they change to the better. »
@McDonalds This R Not Ok #Vegan Options R the Way 2 Go - Don’t Destroy #Amazon💔
Anders Fjäll Stenstad says he tries to get people to stand for something, and not just roam around «like amoebas.»
66% of the people debating in online newspaper debates are men
«That’s why I spend a lot of time to get people to understand that the climate change hysteria is malarkey. “It’s a way for the government to squeeze more tax money from us”, I commented in a newspaper a while ago. The debate used to be about the ozone layer and all the aerosols that we for heaven’s sake have to stay away from. They told us we were going to cook alive down here, but that has yet to happen. I believe the changes in climate we see now are natural. Thousands of scientists agree with me.
I tend to get reactions to the fact that I’m not an environmentalist, but I don’t care about that. I am a sceptic, and people have to come to terms with that. I don’t trust any politician or anyone in the government.»
Is there really anyone who believes this bluff anymore? People have said that people are like sheep, and that is quite likely! My gosh!!
Nick Haynes was ready for a civil war if Hillary Clinton won the election.
59% think too many people are easily offended in political debates.
“When you drive down here and you see any liberals on the way, you should just run them over,” he laughs.
His voice is as you might expect from a former biker with a too strong love for alcohol, who has now turned sober and drives a truck with waist in New Jersey.
It’s November, just a few days before what’s going to be a historical election in the U.S. Mr. Haynes has prepared for this moment for months, tweeting an average 57 times a day, usually about the «corrupt system», «biased media», «killary» and his favourite: Mr. Donald J. Trump.
Voting for Hillary is the same as killing ur own children! Get ready for civil war if that cunt gets in. Hillary supporters will be 1st 2 go!
Now he’s sitting in a small diner in a sleepy town in Pennsylvania. He wears baggy camouflage pants, the infamous red Trump cap saying «Make America Great Again» and has a loaded 9mm gun in his pocket. Just in case, he says.
“We’re screwed if she wins. If you look up scumbag in the dictionary you’ll see a picture of her. I really hope Trump pulls it off, man.”
His son Zach (14) nods.
“I debate because if I don’t say anything, people who are against the Second Amendment and people who spread lies will win the arguments. If I don’t fight back when somebody claims something, then they will win the argument.”
“Look at all those crybaby pussy American elites who don’t have to worry about money and just rant on with their views in debates. Fuck those scumbags who think they are better than the average American.”
Mr. Haynes started debating online a few years ago, but before that, when he was in a biker club, the debates would be somewhat different.
“When I was younger, I often got in arguments, you could say, with cops and other authorities. I think I usually won the argument.”
The day is here. It’s been months of election tours, scandals and polarized debate. Just a few kilometers away, a seven meter tall sign of Hillary roars along the highway, saying «She belongs in prison, not the white house». Nick drives past that sign every day on his way to work in New Jersey, a commute that takes him two and a half hours every day.
“Holy shit, the line is big,” he erupts when seeing the line outside his polling station, a small church turned balloting place for the day.
“I should have brought a walker, then we could have snuck up front,” he tells his son Zach, who is tagging along.
It only takes a few minutes of queuing before Mr. Haynes starts talking to a middleaged man standing next to him wearing a blue shirt and short cut hair.
“The last president we had was worthless as well. We need Trump, man,” Mr. Haynes says.
“I don’t know. Trump is kind of a wild card,” the blue-shirt-man says. “Like his thoughts on health care and women, talking about grabbing a woman by the «belly bush» and so on,” he adds.
“Come on, have you never talked about women like that in a bar?”
“No!” He erupts.
The line crawls forward.
“Well, you could flip a coin?” Mr. Haynes suggests.
“No, I’ve made up my mind. I’m going to hold my nose while casting my vote for Mrs. Clinton, but she’s the best choice.”
“She’s going to get us killed. If you have kids they are going to get killed because of her,” Mr. Haynes says while going in.
At 8:01PM he posts a tweet.
«I just voted for TRUMP in Pennsylvania and everyone but 1 person in line is for the scumbag! Trump gonna win by a landslide!»
The tweet gets one like.
On the way home he picks up some pizza and heads back home to follow the remainder of the election night on TV.
Mr. Haynes’ house is covered with a big banner saying «Trump». As he arrives back home, 12 surveillance cameras surrounding the building are there to greet him. .
“It was really rough growing up. My parents got divorced when I was five and I had to stay with my father in New Jersey. When I was 16 years old I ran away from home and haven’t looked back. It’s been four-five years since I last talked to my father.”
Tattoos covers both of his arms. On the back of his T-shirt, the writing says «Shoot Informants, not drugs»
“It’s going to be close, man!”
Mr. Haynes downs a slice of pizza. His three daughters are lying next to him on the coach, all gazing down at their phones.
“Holy shit, he’s up in Wisconsin!”
It’s late in the night when the predictions turn and the major news organizations say Trump is a likely winner. That Hillary, the favorite, is lagging behind.
When Mr. Haynes goes to bed, the results are still not clear.
The following day, it’s pouring down outside. The clouds are like a dull, gray veil over the sky — similar to the look on Hillary Clintons face as she announces her loss.
“I know how disappointed you feel, because I feel it too. And so do tens of millions of Americans who invested their hopes and dreams in this effort. This is painful, and it will be for a long time,” Mrs. Clinton says.
Mr. Haynes sits at a Chinese restaurant eating fried rice, watching Mrs. Clinton on the TV.
“She has raped the country. I hope they would come out and arrest her now. But I’m still happy. It’s the first time since 9/11 that I feel that our country is back on track, back where it belongs.”
He takes a sip of his coke.
“Last night I thought that Trump was going to win by a landslide, and he sure did. I’m so proud of my country now. The media sucked. He just kept standing there and he kicked their asses, Mr Haynes says.”
Steinar Vetterstad has all he needs within a hand’s reach to pump out his opinions in the comment sections.
«My father spent a lifetime in politics, so I was born and raised in it. When I was young we got to speak our minds and that has not changed with time. People deserve a kick in the ass some times – as I like to say – and when they do, I’m ready to comment. I am easily provoked and there are plenty of people I can’t stand the looks of, especially politicians and people you can clearly tell are lying. I write comments to release the built-up anger they cause.
When I was younger, I had a dream of becoming a writer, but that didn’t amount to anything. I mostly read romantic novels, like ‘Northern Lights’ and ‘Whispering Rock’. I call them thrillers – they give me joy in life. I was so annoyed with the grammatical errors in the books I read that I got the urge to write them myself.»
Scott Munson is convinced that the U.S. government stages terror attacks to scare people into gun control. For him it’s not a conspiracy theory, it’s a “conspiracy fact”.
73.5% of Europeans use Facebook.
«I call myself a truth teller and it’s kind of my full-time job to debate and share information, often about subjects like 9/11 or gun control. I’ve been arrested several times too because I’ve been protesting out in the streets.
I’m convinced that our government is trying to control us. When I write online that Israel also was behind 9/11, people call me bad names, like stupid, dummy, moron and Neanderthal. But that’s the process - many are in denial at first, but then I can help them see.
It’s discomforting to find out that our own government is killing it’s own people, I see that.
With 9/11 it’s very clear. With 3000 Israelis not showing up for work and Israelis dancing after the attack, it’s obvious that it was a nation that benefitted from 9/11. A nation that wanted us to invade Iraq, invade Afghanistan.
I’m up against a broad spectre of disinformation, but through my 5000 friends on Facebook and a list of 23.000 people I send out emails to, I think I will be able to share the real truth.
I’m also on LinkedIn.»
would our government stage this to try to scare people into gun control?
From her two-bedroom apartment in the outskirts of St. Petersburg, Alexandra fights for her country. Her biggest fear is for it to be influenced by «GayEurope».
89% of the Russian population don’t support same-sex marriage.
«Both my mom and my dad have the same opinions as me, and my mother debates online just like I do - and she is 75 years old now.
I’m very worried that my beloved Russia will be more influenced by the homosexuals in Europe and the U.S. What works over there is not necessarily good for us here. That’s why I once wrote “A massive attack of pervert liberals is awaiting us. We will push the faggots from power (their culture is just crap) so they don’t destroy our culture.
For me, homosexuals are not my enemy, but I see them as people with a defect, they are unnatural and abnormal. And they should stop showing off all of the time, like they do with the rainbow flag. They’ve ruined that flag for me.
I really liked the rainbow before, but now I don’t anymore.»
Shame on the European world !!! Damn, the fagots are all around!!!!
From his bed in an old Volkswagen van, David Reese is trying to bring peace to the world.
«I live in my mom’s house, taking care of her as she is getting older. While she lives in the big house, I live out in the van. I’ve named it «mother bus.» I think my mother is the best thing about our home. I really care about her.
I’m not that into politics, really. Instead, I try to post a nice picture every day, of things I see around here that I like. Birds, mountains and abandoned cars, stuff like that. I also write and share posts that promote peace. My goal is that when people scroll through their Facebook feed, they will see my nice posts and be inspired to live peacefully. There are enough wars going on around the world.»
Sina Staes Janevska feels bullied in the comments section. She believes those who don’t share her views should be executed.
74% of Americans think news organizations are biased.
«There are quite a few socialists that deserve the death penalty, even though we sadly don’t have capital punishment in Norway. When the socialists say that they want to take in so-called boat refugees, who I know are terrorists, then they are killing our country.
I’m certain that the ones arriving are not refugees. Islam has the same agenda as Hitler had: they want to take over the world. If we take in that many terrorists, it will end in a civil war here in Norway.
This I know. It’s not easy to control yourself in the comments section when many politicians provoke people to act out and don’t care about us Norwegians, the elderly, or the roads that need fixing.
I also arranged a PEGIDA-march in my hometown of Stjørdal. Only two people showed up, so now I devote my time to the comments section instead. I often wonder if we actually have freedom of speech in this country.
Many of the left-wing bastards that bully me in the comments section say that I’m a racist and Islamophobe. I am, of course, no such thing. I have two kitties, Sara and Andrea. Sara is black, Andrea is white.»
If Hitler had taken care of the muslims instead of the jews, the world had been better today….I think.. Well, I can dream about it
It’s anger that drives Sofia Srour when Islam is criticised.
«Islam is my way of life, it is my identity, it is me. There is so much ignorance and hate directed towards my religion in the comment section that I quickly become irritated. Anger drives me. I have spent more than three hours every day sharing my views on Islam. It’s a bit scary to engage in these discussions, but I feel that it’s important to balance out all the negativity that is posted. My views are often met with personal attacks on me. I remember well when someone called me a whore during a discussion.
I get a lot of reactions when I say that I’m a Muslim and a feminist, as if the two are mutually exclusive. I see free women using their voices here in Norway, but at the same time I see oppression of women when I look to the Middle East. There, women are stuck at home while the men are out working. They also lack the security under the law that we have here. When I graduate with a law degree, I will fight for women’s rights.»
I've come to a point where if I take off my hijab, Muslims might shame me and non-Muslims might think they finally freed me. I don't give a fu*king sh*t. My body, my rules. My hijab, my choice.
Frank Fisher has written that he wants to use nuclear weapons against the BBC. For him, it’s a way of saving the world.
500.000 online comments by Mr. Fisher
«I really don’t see the point of any conversation if you are not allowed to argue. The debates I have online are often heated and people tend to get furious with me. I have also received threats, which my wife really does not like at all. She also thinks I spend far too much time debating online, but I don’t believe I’m that extreme.
In the course ofthe past twenty years I’ve written some 500.000 comments, some under my own name, but many using a pseudonym. I used to comment a lot on The Guardian, but they kept banning my profiles because of what I wrote.
People think I’m a troll, but I’m not – I’m just defending my opinions. People tend to label me because of my opinions.’ve been called a homophobe because I don’t support gay marriage, for instance
One of my biggest fights is the fight against the BBC, which I see as a terrible and dangerous organization. That’s why I wrote this comment on the website of the Telegraph : «The BBC is the enemy of liberty, sanity, democracy and humanity. Fabian monsters. Nuke the BBC from orbit; only way to be sure».
The BBC is a propaganda tool of the left. They have several TV channels, radio and online sites. They pump out their propaganda 24 hours a day, seven days a week. I only have a keyboard and 140 characters, but I strike back as harshly as I can. It’s my way of saving the world.»
Can anyone think of any public institution in the UK that wouldn’t be improved by a humane tactical
Kjell Frode Tislevoll has become less skeptical of immigrants since a refugee reception center was built in his municipality.
«A few years back, I was a lot more active in debates on immigration. I could sit and debate for the longest time about Muslims, immigration and Islam, and deliver some harsh comments. Like when I commented on an article in VG: «What we need in Oslo, is a sidewalk for those with dark skin and a sidewalk for those with white skin. That way, we won’t be attacked or mugged». That time I got 20 likes, but many disagreed with my comment.
After a while, I commented too much. I had to apply a filter on Facebook, so that all the posts about immigration or Islam were removed. I couldn’t debate it anymore. Last year, we got a refugee reception center in town. After that, I became less skeptical of immigrants. I now work with a Muslim and he’s OK, so my issues with immigration have gone away. Had I met myself in a discussion forum now, I would get into an argument with my former self.»
The behaviour displayed by people in muslim countries,proves thatt it was wrong,to end colonialism,thatt it should have continued,to keep the muslims under control,’cause we in the western world is a more civilized version of humanity,that’s why we should be baby sitters for the muslim countries,so bring back colonialism
American Zak Novak claims to be considered a terrorist by his homeland, and says he’ll face time in jail if he returns. But as a pro-Russian separatist living in Eastern-Ukraine, he thinks that’s «kind of cool».
4% of adults trust the information they find on social media
«If I ever capture an American or NATO soldier here in Eastern Ukraine, I will take them to the hospitals and show them what they are doing to the people. Then I will let them feel the same pain.
It’s definitely a war between good and evil, and I hope we can fight our way to Kiev and liberate them from fascism and Nazism as well.
I really don’t miss The Big Apple anymore. I moved here to Eastern Ukraine to join my brothers in the fight against the Ukrainian fascists, NATO and the U.S. As a pro-Russian separatist, I’m here to tell the truth.
I don’t carry a machine gun anymore. Now, I’m an information warrior with a keyboard. My frontline is the Internet. As an American it’s important for me to tell the world about the situation here. Information is more deadly than any NATO bomb.
I work 24 hours a day and often fall asleep in my office chair, but it’s so worth it. I write about the conflict and have my own radio show. I also put up ugly pictures on social media, like the CIA emblem on the Ukrainian flag, a wanted poster with Poroshenko’s picture, or a the Ukrainian flag with a swastika on it.
The rebels told me, “you need to help us out and be our mouthpiece”. Then they started paying me. It all worked out, I guess.»
The proud !! The Brave !! The defenders of Donbas.!!! Forever mother Russia and down with fascist kiev
Merete Hodne is willing to die for the fight against Islam.
It’s Christmas Eve. For more than three weeks, a plastic Christmas tree has decorated the living room of the Hodne-family. Merete Hodne prefers pork ribs for Christmas, but this year, it’s the smell of rack of lamb, that fills the air.
Lounging on the couch, Ms. Hodne virtually stumbles upon an article at nrk.no about immigration. At 10:07 AM she writes:
“Stop all immigration and regain control of the country! Afterwards, laws can be relaxed, but never let in Muslims! Many Muslims carry with them a deadly plague, which can wipe out you and your family.”
She receives 18 likes on her Christmas eve-comment.
Islam is much worse than Nazism… Still, Islam and Muslims are welcomed with open arms…. I don’t understand why…
“I’m doing this for my family. If I didn’t have children, I wouldn’t have had the will to fight Islam the way I do. My children are the ones who might grow up in a Norway where we in the end have a purely Islamist party that decides everything. The Muslims want world domination. I am convinced of this. We make claims, argue, bicker and banter.”
Merete Hodne grew up with sandy white shores and the smell of manure and horses in Jæren, on the Norwegian west coast. It was the horses that provided consolation when life outside of the stables didn’t go her way, she says.
“If I stand alone now, as an adult, it’s not nearly as hard as it was when I was a child. I was small, cowardly and timid. Nobody wanted to be my friend, and it seemed like many of the other kids got a kick out of making me cry. That has shaped me, but I wouldn’t say I’m bitter in any way,” she says.
As an adult, she got in touch with her former classmates and confronted them with how they’d influenced her life when growing up.
“They said that they had a different view of how things transpired. Nobody feels like they bullied me,” says Hodne.
She has lost many a customer at her hair salon, but also gained some new ones, following her recognition as a critic of Islam.
In March, SOS Racism demonstrated outside her hair salon. She took that day off.
“I’m seen as a racist because I don’t want Islam in our country, but that is pure nonsense. I don’t support the discrimination of women or condone genital mutilation.”
Ms. Hodne’s hair salon in in downtown Bryne, across from the kebab shop Happy Time. From there, she has a view of the sea gulls fighting over scraps of pita bread. Her gaze draws from a small, empty parking-lot towards the yellow wooden building across the street. It’s the home of a Somali family, which also, is a common topic of conversation at ‘Comeback’ hair salon.
“I wonder if the municipality office has located them there just to annoy me,” she says.
In her salon chair, a customer is getting her hair tips dyed red. It’s doesn’t take long before they start discussing Muslims.
“And then you have these poor kids in Syria. Can’t we help them where they are instead of bringing them here?” asks the customer.
“Yeah, about that: Is there any point in helping people that don’t want to be helped? When they follow the teachings of Muhammad, it becomes a vicious circle,” says Ms. Hodne.
“Well, yes, that’s right,” the customer mumbles.
“I also propose that the ones bringing kids up after the teachings of Muhammad should be deported,” says Ms. Hodne.
The customer agrees with Ms. Hodne, just as the last of the hair tips are dyed red.
Ms. Hodne or the customer often comments online while at the salon. The first time she voted in an election, she voted for a socialistic party. Since then, her political views have changed.
“This battle against Islam is very important to me. I have received some threats, but I try not to think about what could happen.”
“Are you willing to die for this?” “It sounds crazy, but yes. I am willing to die for this. I don’t really fear the possibility of someone hurting me, but if a radical extreme leftist or an Islamist want’s to end me, I wouldn’t regret my involvement.”
“My closest family is worried about me, but they have understood that it doesn’t matter what they say. I’ll continue doing this, no matter what they say.”
Ms. Hodne spends a lot of time on discussing online, but is not happy when people disagree with her.
“That’s why I mainly post on Facebook. There, I can block the opposing debaters I don’t like. I guess it becomes a bit one sided.”
In January 2017 Ms. Hodne was fined 7000 Norwegian Kroners, and lost two court cases, after she refused to cut the hair of a muslim woman that entered her salon wearing a hijab.
Tore Tømmerdal misses the discussions people in the countryside used to have in the old days. As a replacement, he has now turned to the Internet.
«Commenting in newspapers has become somewhat of a sport for me. I’ve done it since 1975. Here in the countryside, we used to have a tradition of storytelling, where people discussed and were used to being vocal. We debated with families, friends and in social situations, about politics and the happenings in our daily lives. As time passed by, however, I feel that people have withdrawn to their homes more and isolated themselves. We spend our time on the Internet, and don’t enjoy the fresh air. For me, commenting online has become a way of trying to get back to the tradition of discussing that we had here in Trøndelag.
I don’t take myself too seriously and have no barriers when I write. I enjoy using a sharp tone in my writing and causing a stir. If you don’t annoy and cause a bit of conflict, you’ll get no reaction and it’ll not be exciting at all. Like when I commented on the Socialist party (SV) flirting with the notion of leaving NATO: “Is there anybody who understands what kind of society and fantasy world SV are living in ? ‘Cause they don’t know themselves !!!!”»
I’m lucky, indeed! ’Cause I don’t need a cell phone. Free as the day is long.
Roger A. Hicks believes that children of different ethnic backgrounds should not attend the same schools. But he says he’s not a racist.
14.500 online comments by Mr. Hicks
«I have been banned by websites from commenting. They said I was doing hate speech, but that’s insulting and not true at all. I’m definitely against immigration and for my own white race. A multicultural nation is just bullshit.
The government is destroying our race. They invite millions of people of different races in, and whoever has a problem with that, like me, is demonized as a racist. I don’t think it’s racist to want to preserve your own race or to not accept mixing of races.
I'm afraid because the U.K. has turned into a melting pot with different races, like London's indigenous, white population which is gone now. So I care a lot about race, but I’m not a racist per se.
I really hope that my ideas and comments can end up in some sort of a book in the future. Maybe my 15.000 comments will be taken more seriously then. I realize that they are not taken as seriously now, but expressing my opinion nevertheless gives me some sort of satisfaction.
I see the world differently from the mainstream public, who have made things go badly wrong. I’m trying to correct that and at the same time save the world.
I usually spend a few hours every day commenting. When I’m not writing, my time goes to taking care of my mother. She had a stroke a while back.»
Sending children of different race to the same schools is a form of EUGENICS, encouraging them to mix and later intermarry…
In online debates, Lars Gule is often accused of being a terrorist. The reason is mainly his past.
In January, 1977, Gule packed his bags and hitchhiked from Larvik to Lebanon. Passionately dedicated to the cause, he joined the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, was trained in the use of weapons and taught how to make time-delayed bombs. He was asked to perform an act of terror in Israel, and was provided with 700-800 grams of plastic explosives. One of the possible targets was President Hotel in Jerusalem. On his way out of Lebanon, he was stopped at the airport. The explosives were found in his backpack, he was arrested and convicted of illegal possession of arms, but acquitted on the charges of planned terrorism. He was sentenced to six months in prison.
Newspapers around the world published grainy, black and white photographs of a young man with short hair and intense eyes, imprisoned behind metal bars. Today, Mr. Gule is an active online debater – and is confronted incessantly with his past in Lebanon.
“The main drawback is that a group of people, with less-than-fortunate cognitive abilities, are more interested in my past than in what I write,” he says.
Mr. Gule does not regret what happened in 1977.
“It was a case of political miscalculations, but I have never hurt anyone,” he says.
He is still passionately dedicated to the situation in the area and is often used as an expert source by the media.
“The fact that people refuse to see the obvious similarities between Israel’s treatment of Palestine and Apartheid in South-Africa, is remarkable. The way Israel conducts itself is racist, plain and simple.”
So, maybe there’s a point to the boycott of Israel – given that the state is built on ethnic cleansing, occupation and terror?
In August last year, he told daily newspaper VG that the Norwegian Progress Party has contributed to the formation of more extreme Muslims.
“Professor DYNAMITE, Lars Gule, has contributed to a subject he has no insight into again. He opened his miserable gob and spewed out so-called expert comments under the auspices of his self-appointed professor title!” an opponent wrote on Facebook. The post got 12 likes.
“The thing that makes discussing online so incredibly interesting is that you meet many exciting, knowledgeable, and even wise, people. But then you also encounter limitless ignorance and stupidity.”
Outside, the sky is blue, and the lawn unattended and shaggy. Inside sits Mr. Gule, debating. He has written thousands of online comments, partly because it’s a hobby, partly because of his drive to confront extremism online. This Sunday, he is compared with Anders Behring Breivik by a debater.
“Ohh, golly! How informative and factual! You really have to stop now. Another stupid post by a known rabble-rouser with years of rabble-rousing under his belt,” he responds. Mr. Gule can sit in front of his screen for hours.
“When I recognize the people who are online all the time, it’s probably because I’m online a lot as well. During weekends and on days off, I can probably spend the majority of the day online. Other days, I spend a couple of minutes or a couple of hours online. My Palestinian partner isn’t always that enthusiastic about it.”
Mr. Gule has also become more moderated. He knows he can be perceived as a troll:
“But even my crassest comments are legitimate and have substance,” he says.
With his 5000 written comments, Muhammad Basit tries to proclaim peace in the comment sections.
«We are born and we die. In between the two lies religion. As a Muslim, I am tired of all the ignorance that exists regarding my faith. People have been brainwashed to hate it. Three days prior to the bombing on July 22, I was discussing an article at Dagens Næringsliv together with Anders Behring Breivik, the terrorist. I wrote that Norway benefits from immigrants, but several of the other participants in the discussion disagreed, stating that we were close to a civil war. Breivik was not among the worst, but he did write to me that I should visit Document.no, a right-wing website. When I visited that website, I saw that it was all propaganda. I remember contemplating whether I should comment that everything on there is pure ”brainwashing”.»
Research and peace are connected for the benefit of all humankind.